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This clever cream is a natural and inexpensive alternative to surgery enhancement.


With it's rich nutrient base, using ingredients such oat extract to even out the microbes on the skin and sunflower seeds to strengthen the skin barrier, these natural remedies offer skin cell regeneration, allowing us to wind back the clock in reducing fine lines and wrinkles that permeate the skin's surface.


Argan oil is traditionally used as an antibacterial agent but it's nutrient-rich component penetrates deep into the skin to purify it from chemicals of other products used in the past and boost with Vitamin E to give a healthy glow.

Allowing these oils to work their magic deep into the skins layers, will further keep the skin replenished in what it needs to avoid blemishes,  promoting elasticity and invigorating with nutrients for a more polished finish.


Directions: Applying this wonderful cream as a moisturiser, will work to renew damaged skin cells that are the cause of wrinkles and dark spots, giving you a wonderfully balanced skin texture.


Allowing you to feel fresh-faced and looking visibly younger. 


Top Tip: Pair with our Purifying Cleansing Milk for a naturally cleansed beauty experience that will ensure your skin is smoother, brighter and baby soft.

Or the luxurious Night Cream Treatment which will treat your skin and ensure your pores are clear and maximising on the magic of this skin cell renewal effect.

Stem Cell Renewal Anti-Wrinkle Cream

SKU: 5061020980005
  • As a natural product, this is suitable for all skin types.

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